Vanessa R. - Class of 2020
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San Jose State University
BS in Child and Adolescent Development
Always be open to change!
That is the biggest overall lesson that going to college has taught me.
If you could go back in time 4 years ago, what would you tell your 18 year old self? If you could do-over, what would you do differently?
Do not be stubborn about your major and dare for it: STUDY ABROAD!
What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?
What did you learn about yourself?
I am very persistent and determined when it comes to the things I am passionate about.
What was the greatest challenge you faced? How did you overcome it?
Changing majors was my biggest challenge and I had to do a lot of reflection to find what I really wanted to do.
Keep an open mind and do not be afraid to talk to new people.
How did being a Bella Scholar contribute to the success of achieving your goals?
What were your proudest accomplishments or highlights from attending college?
I completed a Curriculum term project that I put a lot of hard work into
I made the Dean's list
I became officer for a club
Anita was so supportive, especially in the first 2 years.
This scholarship allowed me to graduate from a 4 year university with no debt.
Now that you have graduated, have you formulated any new short term / long term goals?
I will apply to preschool teacher jobs while I prepare for my final career.