Stacey - Class of 2020
Stacey O. - Class of 2020
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Tell us about the highlights of this academic year 2020, or accomplishments.
Winning 3rd place in a COVID-19 hackathon,
hosting two workshops where I taught students how to use Adobe's tools,
presenting to Adobe at the Young Creators Summit
What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?
Explore many different classes of your interest and set-up information interviews with people or professors who are in fields that you want to pursue a career in.
How did being a Bella Scholar contribute to the success of achieving your goals?
Being a Bella Scholar lessened the financial burden that comes with a college education, allowing me to focus on various opportunities on campus.
Now that you have graduated, have you formulated any new short term/ long term goals?
I am dedicated to improving on my design skills, working on passion projects, and updating my portfolio site.
Santa Clara University
BS in Environmental Science
College taught me the importance of being proactive about my goals and consistently working hard to achieve them.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that I am very ambitious and capable of achieving great things!
What was the greatest challenge you faced? How did you overcome it?
Feeling like I didn't have a direction and being unsure of my career path. I overcame this by seeking resources on-campus to help me figure my path out. These resources include taking various electives, visiting the career center, and speaking with professors.
If you could go back in time 4 years ago, what would you tell your 18 year old self? If you could do-over, what would you do differently?
I would join more clubs and pursue my interest in design earlier so that I could explore more design-related opportunities on campus.
What were your proudest accomplishments or highlights from attending college?
Completing a research project in Costa Rica,
maintaining a good GPA,
interning as a graphic designer for the university,
working with the multicultural center to plan a school wide culture show, and
raising $1,000 to donate to Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY).