Kris-Shawn C.R.

San Francisco State University
Bachelor of Arts in Cinema
I have learned that making strong connections with people, either they are students or faculty, is very important for your future careers.
What did you learn about yourself?
I did not know that I was capable of taking on such difficult courses, working hard on them, and completing them.
What were your proudest accomplishments or highlights from attending college?
I was on the Dean's list three times,
I developed a very effective method for working efficiently,
and I was able to find great inspiration from the many people that I met along the way.
Rate your experience
at college:

Class of 2022
2020 & 2021 were extremely challenging under the confinement and constant menace of the Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully there were some silver lining and lessons learned.
What were the highlights or accomplishments of your Senior academic year 2021/22, after all that hard time.
This year, I was able to pull many things together in my home, and produce short films so that I was able to pass my classes.
Thinking of the whole 4 years, what were the greatest challenges you faced? How did you overcome them?
The greatest challenges I faced were the many long essays I had to complete.
I was able to complete them through many hours of consistent hard work and developing many new improvements to my work ethic.
If you could go back in time 4 years ago, what would you tell your 18 year old self? If you could do-over, what would you do differently?
I would tell my 18-year old self not to worry, as everything will work out fine. If I could do it all over, I would not.
What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?
Make connections with anybody in the same field as you, so that you can challenge one another and ask each other questions, also connect with faculty in your field as well.
Now that you have graduated, have you formulated any new short term / long term goals?
My new goals are to continue seeking my passions in writing and filmmaking, and my long term goals are to be a comic book writer, and to have many films under my belt.
How did being a Bella Scholar contribute to the success of achieving your goals?
Through the Bella Scholarship program, I was able to get funds I needed to continue going to school, and I also was able to attend a very helpful information session on how to create an effective resume for my future.
What is your current job? and your dream job?
I am currently applying for an internship for new college graduates who are planning on working in the film industry.
My dream job would be to be able to create short films for a living, I also would like to be a comic book writer.