Elizabeth D.A.
California State University, East Bay
B.S. in Psychology &
B.A. in Criminal Justice
You need to stand up for yourself. If you need help, you need to go out and seek help or form study groups. There will not be people really looking out for you.
What did you learn about yourself?
I learned that I can persevere even when I face many challenges such as financial, emotional, or educational.
What were your proudest accomplishments or highlights from attending college?
I made it to the Dean's List while studying for a BA and a BS simultaneously.
Rate your experience
at college:
Class of 2022
2020 & 2021 were extremely challenging under the confinement and constant menace of the Covid-19 pandemic. Hopefully there were some silver lining and lessons learned.
What were the highlights or accomplishments of your Senior academic year 2021/22, after all that hard time.
Although it was extremely difficult time due to not being able to work for a few months, I was able to focus on my studies and I was able to bring my grades up.
Thinking of the whole 4 years, what were the greatest challenges you faced? How did you overcome them?
Some of the challenges I faced include:
Financials- I had to work throughout my years of college as my parents weren’t able to afford helping me pay for college
As a DACA student, it can be really hard when resources are not offered to us in compared to others
Emotional- I went through a period where I was not doing so well emotionally and it impacted my academics
I wish I would’ve known more about the resources available for me at the University and I wish they offered more assistance for low income students.
If you could go back in time 4 years ago, what would you tell your 18 year old self? If you could do-over, what would you do differently?
I would tell myself to do what I want to do. There were many pressures into doing things that I didn’t want to do from friends and family. But at the end of the day, your degree is for you and not them. So, do what YOU want. Also take as much time as you need. There is NO rush.
What advice would you give to an incoming freshman?
Do not worry about losing friends. Friends will come and go. Just stay true to yourself.
Now that you have graduated, have you formulated any new short term / long term goals?
I will be applying to a Masters Program soon!
How did being a Bella Scholar contribute to the success of achieving your goals?
I’m very thankful for all the financial help I got. It wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t been a Bella Scholar.
What is your current job? and your dream job?
I currently work as an Intensive Behavioral Support Behavior Tech.
I hope to get to Graduate School and become a Marriage Family Therapist